Publikacje, wystąpienia


W języku polskim:

Pracownia Obrazowania Mózgu, Instytutu Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Marcelego Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Pasteura 3, 02-93 Warszawa, Polska.

W języku angielskim:

Laboratory of Brain Imaging, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of Polish Academy of Sciences, 3 Pasteur Str,. 02-093 Warsaw, Poland

Dopuszczalne jest posługiwanie się skrótem:

Opłacanie publikacji


Poster creation

If you want to create and print a poster for a conference, you can use a free editor - the Canva app - or use existing templates (attached below in pttx format). In the vertical poster template file you will also find all the resources - font template for titles, subtitles, separators, a set of decorative elements in the colours of the nencki institute.

Poster in Canva application

This application gives you much more possibilities than Powerpoint and is easy to use. You can use free templates, graphics and photos to make your posters more attractive. We have a LOBI account on Canva.

  1. Go to

  2. Log in using your details:


password: lobi2lobi

  1. Choose a template for your poster in portrait or landscape orientation.

  2. Create a copy of the template to create your poster in a new file.

  3. You can export your poster in many formats. We recommend pdf or svg (this will prevent accidental pixelation of graphics/figures on large format printing).

Poster in Powerpoint

  1. Download a poster template in vertical or horizontal version.

  2. Create your poster and export it in a format that will prevent accidental pixelation of graphics/figures on large format printing.

Poster - printing

  1. You have to place your order for a poster at EVO.

  2. Get to EAZ app, find the table called “Moje zapotrzebowanie” and click “Dodaj”

  3. Select “Zapotrzebowanie na usługi” - code 009, option POZOSTAŁE USŁUGI

  4. Describe what specifically you want to order, for example “Poster na konferencję X.. Realizacja we własnym zakresie.”

  5. Select a contractor: look for Uniposter (they print posters for us).

  6. Select source of funding (e.g. your grant - should be there on a list).

  7. Write how much will the poster cost (to know it, you need to call/write an email to Uniposter)

  8. Send and wait for Artur’s and Accounting’s approval.

  9. Just joking, no need to wait. They will probably accept it, it is a scientific poster, not a caviar&champagne party. Write an email to Uniposter and ask them to print your poster in the desired format and on desired paper type. Tell them that Nencki will pay.

  10. Uniposter will usually email or call you after an hour that the poster is ready. Go to UW Biology Department on Miecznikowa 1 (2 minute walk from LOBI) and collect your poster.

  11. They will give you an invoice for Nencki and will ask you for your number (in case they have to contact you, because the institute is late with the payment).

  12. Wait for the order to be processed in EVO. When you see it as accepted, give the invoice to the Financial Accounting in Nencki.

Old poster templates
