Osoba odpowiedzialna za dokumentację: Paweł Jakuszyk p.jakuszyk@nencki.edu.pl
Adres: https://redcap.nencki.gov.pl

RedCap is a complex tool that can be used to create surveys, databases, simple project websites, live statistical reports, and much more. It can also help you to combine these features and incorporate them into your project in a way that may facilitate the gathering, monitoring, and flow of data. 


REDCap - a (very) brief overview

In this video, you will find some of the cool features that are available in REDCap. However, it is not strictly a training video as those are provided in much greater detail via the links below.

How is REDCap any different from my standard survey building tool?


https://projectredcap.org/resources/videos/ - video tutorials with an overview of major functions

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3nj8Bq3MOrnpnY5rL7yRkg/videos - Youtube channel with supplementary video tutorials

https://redcap.vanderbilt.edu/consortium/library/search.php - a free repository of instruments (e.g. questionnaires) created and shared in REDCap